Potential Cacao Contraindications

At ĀKĀŚA, we are passionate about the many nourishing properties of ceremonial cacao. A heart-opener on physical, emotional and spiritual levels, we truly believe that cacao is the perfect plant ally for this time in history. Delicious, highly nutritious, and a powerful aid in down-regulating our nervous systems, cacao is a miracle plant!

It is important to note, however, that cacao may not be suitable for you if you have any of the health conditions listed below. We say this as a general safety disclaimer, and for you to make an informed decision, perhaps with the guidance of your medical professional.

This being said, our experience has shown us that cacao can be for everyone barring those with allergies, if doses are taken into consideration. A ritual dose or ceremonial dose of approximately 20 and 40g respectively may be too much if you have any of the conditions listed below. Even incorporating a small amount of ceremonial cacao, which is essentially chocolate in its purest, most unadulterated form (as nature intended!) will allow you to experience her myriad benefits.

Here is a list of potential contraindications for cacao:

  • Medications:

    • MAOIs (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors): Cacao contains tyramine, which can interact dangerously with MAOI medications. Avoid ceremonial cacao if you're taking them.

    • High-dose SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors): Cacao can boost serotonin levels. Combining it with high-dose SSRIs might lead to serotonin syndrome, causing headaches, nausea, and agitation. Consult a doctor if you're unsure about your SSRI dosage.

    • Antipsychotics: While research is limited, some experts advise caution with ceremonial cacao if you're taking antipsychotics. It's best to consult your doctor before consuming it.

  • Medical Conditions:

    • Heart Conditions: Theobromine in cacao can act as a stimulant, potentially raising heart rate and blood pressure. Consult a doctor if you have pre-existing heart conditions.

    • Pregnancy & Breastfeeding: While generally considered safe in moderation, consult your doctor for personalized advice regarding pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    • Migraines: Cacao may trigger headaches in some individuals prone to migraines.

    • Anxiety: The stimulating properties of cacao might worsen anxiety symptoms in some people.

    • Bleeding Disorders & Medications: Cacao may interfere with blood clotting. Consult your doctor if you have bleeding disorders or take blood-thinning medications.

    • Caffeine Sensitivity: If you're highly sensitive to caffeine, even the lower levels in cacao might cause jitters or anxiety.

  • Other Considerations:

    • Children: Due to the stimulating effects, ceremonial cacao is generally not recommended for young children.

    • Sensitive Stomach: Cacao can cause digestive issues like bloating or gas in some people, especially in larger doses. Start with a small amount and monitor your body's response.

Remember: This list provides a general overview. It's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before consuming ceremonial cacao, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or concerns.


Breathwork and Potential Contraindications


Health Benefits of Ceremonial Cacao